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Property Sellers


Selling a property presents many challenges.  From Listing Price, to Target Market,  to Negotiation,  and finally Closing the sale.  If you want to maximize the marketability  of your property, then you should seek the advice of a broker with experience and who has access to real market data, and who will actually do the work necessary to determine an accurate market value. If you list a property too high,  then most people will just look at other properties that are comparable, but are listed at a lower market value.  If you list the property too low, you will get many offers, but will be short changing yourself in the end. Accurate market price maximizes your potential for the greatest profits, while at the same time does not eliminate a huge portion of the buyer pool.  At Alpha Real Estate LLC, we do our homework.  We study the market in your particular area. So rest assured,  we cut through all the red tape and unnecessary politics.  It is our job to get your property to market at the most marketable price, and get the property sold.  No games, no non-sense,  straight business.  List with us, and let us put our tech savvy staff to work on your next sale.  We will use accurate real market date to determine your listing price.  Then we will give your listing maximum world-wide exposure through a huge array of listing services that syndicate through State's MLS system.  Please see the below information on syndicated listing services.  This is a list of the digital feeds our MLS syndicates with, and will send your listing world wide. It will reach a global audience. 


When our clients are happy, we get referrals. That's what we are working for,  future and repeat business.  We will ensure that your interests are protected, and that the marketable value of your property is maximized based on real market data.  That is the only proper way Real Estate should be presented in any market,  accurately and based on market data. 

We are Licensed in New York and Pennsylvania so all these benefits apply to both States. Your property will be viewable and seen Statewide in both states, as well as Nationally and Globally.            



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